Latest Episodes

Effluvia Workings
Zach joins us again and this time we are covering Effluvia workings. Have questions about body fluids in ritual work.... take a listen.

Lughnasa Celebration
Melissa and Holly discuss the history, mythos, and some methods of celebrating the Lughnasa holiday. The original Mother's Day!

Creating Magickal Servitors
Melissa and Doctor Mystical discuss the creation and use of magickal servitors. To sing up for the virtual class: To find Goddess Elite...

Witchy Book Reviews
Melissa, Alexa, Holly, Violet and Lori each go over 2 books that are relatively new in release.

Holly, our resident Celtic Studies teacher, covers some history, ritual practices, and correspondences to Litha.

Basic Circle Opening & Calling of the Corners
Alexa is back! This episode she gives a basic circle opening with the calling of the corners.